5. A New Explanation for Strong and Weak Nuclear Forces

5. A New Explanation for Strong and Weak Nuclear Forces

A New Explanation for Strong and Weak Nuclear Forces

If we look at the simplest element after Hydrogen, Helium, which its nucleus structure is shown below;

A New Explanation for Strong and Weak Nuclear Forces

it can be said that this model is formed due to the Coulomb forces between protons and neutrons (based on Saleh theory the neutron’s structure is made of an electron shell and proton core).

A New Explanation for Strong and Weak Nuclear Forces

In other words, since like charges repel each other and opposite charges attract each other, the structure of the helium nucleus is formed like that. In this model, two protons and two neutrons, by creating this specific shape, achieve significant relative stability, form a stable nucleus (protons and neutrons are locked) and the resultant of attractive and repulsive forces becomes zero.

The important point is that the force between protons and neutrons is the same Coulomb force. As atomic nuclei rotate around themselves at the speed of light [1]. Therefore, in nuclear explosions or nuclear fission, they can release a huge amount of force and energy. In fact, the strong and weak nuclear forces are the same Coulomb force plus the rotational speed of the nuclei around themselves.


[1] Saleh, Gh, and Reza Alizadeh. "The possibility of rotational motion of nuclei in atoms." APS Meeting Abstracts. Vol. 2020. 2020.

Strong Nuclear Forces Weak Nuclear Forces Coulomb forces protons neutron’s structure nuclear explosions nuclear fission Saleh Theory